Posts Tagged ‘pkg_add’

OpenBSD pkg_add: flavours

Tuesday, August 20th, 2013

Use pkg_add -i to choose from package flavours.

Package description (pkg_info asterisk) tells us that it can be standard or have IMAP flavour:
Asterisk supports Voice over IP in many protocols, and can
interoperate with almost all standards-based telephony equipment
using relatively inexpensive hardware.


IMAP - use imap for voicemail storage instead of files.

Maintainer: Stuart Henderson


# pkg_add -ivvv asterisk

Ambiguous: choose package for asterisk
a 0:
1: asterisk-10.12.1
2: asterisk-10.12.1-imap
Your choice: 2

OpenBSD packages’ post-install notes

Wednesday, July 4th, 2012

you can always re-read the post-install notes afterward by using pkg_info -M