Archive for October 8th, 2017

Asterisk: count active calls on certain peers

Sunday, October 8th, 2017

Let’s imagine that you have a number of peers – both internal users and trunks with VoIP providers.
And you need to count active calls on trunks only. Or even on trunks with some concrete provider, but not the total ‘core show calls’. As an example, you may need to pass that integer to Zabbix.

root@pbx:~# asterisk -C /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf -rx 'sip show inuse' 
Setting max files open to 1000
* Peer name               In use          Limit           
104                       0/0/0           10              
107                       0/0/0           10              
100                       0/0/0           10                            
voip-isp-london1          1/0/0           6      
voip-isp-london2          2/1/0           6      

In fact, all magic is done with grep and especially awk tool. Firstly, you need to grep ‘voip-isp’, then extract the second column (is done with awk ‘{print $2}’ ) and then extract the first digit from three ones (e.g. 2 from 2/1/0).
At this point, you’ll get a list of integers, one per line, corresponding to number of active calls on each grepped trunk.
Now it’s time to summarize them, and the best way to do it is also awk! (is done with awk -F\/ ‘{sum += $1} END {print sum}’ )

root@pbx:~# asterisk -C /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf -rx 'sip show inuse' | grep voip | awk '{print $2}' | awk -F\/ '{sum += $1} END {print sum}'