One more post about INVITE rejecting.
The task: reject malicious SIP traffic coming from some country to our number. All INVITEs contain a From: header with 12-digits number starting with 666. The may also contain a plus sign at the beginning or 810, or +810.
It is also important to set a ‘new-value’ parameter, containing a status code and SIP description (in form of “Code:Description”), as some (or maybe most) PBXses/softswitches/proxies go on sending INVITEs if we just do ‘action reject’. After answering from AcmePacket with something like “403 Forbidden” the remote side stops sending endless INVITEs to AcmePacket.
Part of sip-manipulation:
header-rule name dropHACKERS header-name From action manipulate comparison-type pattern-rule msg-type any methods INVITE match-value new-value element-rule name dropHACKERS1 parameter-name From type uri-phone-number-only action reject match-val-type any comparison-type pattern-rule match-value 666[0-9]{9}$ new-value 403:Forbidden
This is how it looks like after rejecting malicious INVITE with “403 Forbidden”:
Tags: acme, acme packet, acmepacket