If there’s no settings in the application itself, you can configure rsyslog not to write apps logs.
CentOS 6.6, rsyslog 5.8.10-10.el6_6:
Asterisk is configured to write logs to remote syslog server (syslog02.core) but still writes not only there but also locally.
To prevent this:
create ‘/etc/rsyslog.d/10-asterisk.conf’ with lines
:syslogtag, contains, "asterisk" @syslog02.core
& stop
Debian 9.4 Stretch, rsyslog 8.24.0-1:
Asterisk is nt configured to write to remote syslog, but also writes everything to local rsyslog.
Create ‘/etc/rsyslog.d/10-asterisk.conf’:
if $programname == "asterisk" then {
Tags: rsyslog